The Experiment Framework

The 'Experiment Framework' is everything defined by the exp.Experiment base class. This class defines some basic methods (e.g. run, quit, saveData, useRig) and 'experiment phases' (experimentInit, experimentStarted, experimentEnded, experimentCleanup) within which stuff happens and updates are broadcast to any listener such as MC.

Experiments are constructed using a set of parameters and a rig object. An Experiment stores and uses various objects throughout the experiment, for instance an exp.ConditionServer object that manages the trial parameter conditions and an io.Communicator that manages the sending of updates to remote listeners. All experiments run in Rigbox (i.e. via mc and/or srv.expServer) use this framework.

Experiment logic is typically implemented in one of two ways:

  1. With EventHandlers that trigger a cascade of events and phase changes, e.g. a 'trial' phase may be triggered by an 'intermissionEnded' event, which in turn may trigger a 'stimulusStarted' event, etc.
  2. With a Signals experiment definition function (expDef), whereby hardware input and timing signals trigger values to propogate through a user-defined network, ultimately triggering stimulus changes and hardware outputs.


Experiment timeline

An experiment typically follows the following steps:

  1. Experiment configuration - This is when the experiment object is constructed and various properties are set. This is usually handled by srv.prepareExp(1) which calls a special experiment configuration function and sets the pre- and post- delays. For Signals Experiments, this is exp.configureSignalsExperiment, which simple instantiates the experiment object. For other Experiment types the configuration function is defined by the 'experimentFun' field in the parameter struct, e.g. for ChoiceWorld the config function is exp.configureChoiceExperiment, which sets up the event handlers. Configuration functions must accept a parameter structure and rig object as their inputs.
  2. Experiment initialization - Initialization occurs when run is called on the Experiment object. Typically this involves initializing the Data structure and zeroing the input hardware devices. The 'startDateTime' field of the Data struct is set during initialization (by the Experiment's init method). The 'experimentInit' event is then triggered, which starts any auxillary services. This event is also recorded in the Data structure(2). Immediately after this we enter the main experiment loop. In the Signals Experiment Framework this means the t event signal starts to update.
  3. Experiment start - After the experiment pre-delay the main experiment phase begins. This is recorded by the 'experimentStart' event. In the Signals Experiment Framework this is when the expRef is posted to the 'expStart' event signal. In ChoiceWorld, this is when the first 'trialStarted' event occurs.
  4. Experiment end - The main experiment phase ends when the quit method is called on the Experiment object. At this point all other experiment phases are aborted. In the Signals Experiment Framework this is also when the 'expEnd' event signal updates to true. If the experiment is ended normally (i.e. not aborted) then the main loop continues until the post-delay has elapsed, at which point the 'experimentEnd' event is triggered.
  5. Experiment cleanup - After exiting the main loop, the experimentCleanup event is triggered and the cleanup method is called. Here the 'endDateTime' of the Data struct is set, and all event logs are collated and saved into the Data struct. During cleanup all listeners are cleared, textures deleted and various other caches are cleared. After this the Data structure is usually saved to disk and control is returned to the calling function (usually srv.expServer/runExp). In the Signals Experiment Framework the Signal network persists until the Experiment object is explicitly deleted.

Creating custom Experiments

The Experiment base class is highly customizable and can be extended to implement any sort of task structure. Most experiments are well suited for the Signals Experiment Framework, where trial structure, etc. is defined with Signals, however not all tasks are suitable for this type of framework. Namely non-interactive movie presentation. For this, one could extend the Experiment framework in the following ways:

  1. Subclass exp.Experiment, e.g. exp.MovieWorld.
  2. Create an experiment configuration function that sets up handlers to load and play movies each trial. The logic could load the movie during an inter-trial delay for example. See exp.configureChoiceExperiment and exp.basicWorldEventHandlers to see how the logic of that task is implemented.
  3. Create a set of default parameters that includes parameters for defining the dir where the movie files are, whether they're repeated, etc. See exp.choiceWorldParams
  4. Add the experiment to mc by adding it to the NewExpFactory struct in the eui.MControl constructor.
  5. Create an ExpPanel for displaying updates relevant to an experiment of this type. For example create a class called eui.MovieExpPanel that extends eui.ExpPanel. See the ExpPanel guide for more info.


(1) srv.prepareExp is called by srv.expServer when an expRef is received. It also sets up the auxillary services and Timeline.

(2) All phase events are recording using the Rig clock, which is in absolute seconds. The Clock is zero'd by srv.expServer/runExp as soon as it receives an expRef, so all times are relative to that. Click here for more information on the Clock object.


Author: Miles Wells


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