Installing Rigbox for Timeline only

Below are some easy step-by-step instructions for installing Rigbox exclusively to run Timeline.



Timeline runs on MATLAB 2018b or later for Windows. Currently only National Instruments DAQs are supported for acquiring data from hardware devices.


Rigbox requires the following software to work properly:


Below are a few minimum PC hardware requirements.

Install steps

Below are detailed steps on installing all required software. If you already have software installed for a particular step, feel free to skip that step.

  1. Install Windows 7 or later (Windows 10 is recommended). Windows must be must be 64-bit (sometimes called x64, x86_64, AMD64 or Intel 64).
  2. Download and install MATLAB by following their installation guide (See note 1MATLAB is not free and requires a MATLAB account in order to download. If you are part of an academic institution you may be able to get MATLAB for free. If in doubt ask your lab supervisor or institute IT department. For more information see MATLAB's install guide.). At step 9, make sure to check the box for the Data Acquisition Toolbox, along with any other MATLAB Mathworks toolboxes you want, though for testing Rigbox, no other toolboxes are required (See note 2Once MATLAB is installed, toolboxes can be downloaded and installed directly within MATLAB via the "Add-Ons" button in the "Home" top toolstrip. This opens the MATLAB 'AddOn Explorer' where you can search and install toolboxes.). NB: This step may take a while.
  3. Once downloaded, open MATLAB by double-clicking on the MATLAB icon in the start menu.
  4. Within MATLAB, install the NI-DAQmx Support Package (See note 2Once MATLAB is installed, toolboxes can be downloaded and installed directly within MATLAB via the "Add-Ons" button in the "Home" top toolstrip. This opens the MATLAB 'AddOn Explorer' where you can search and install toolboxes.). NB: This step may take a while.
  5. Download and install SilkSVN (See note 3To download and install SilkSVN, follow the link and click the blue button that says 'SVN 1.12.0, 64 bit' on the left-hand side. The numbers might be slightly different but the important thing is that you choose the one that says '64 bit'. Click 'OK' in the pop-up window to save the installer zip file. Once downloaded double-click the zip file and open the exe file contained. Follow all the steps in the installer.).
  6. Download the PsychToolbox installer function and save it into your Documents/MATLAB folder.
  7. In the MATLAB Command Window (See note 4The MATLAB Command Window is usually at the bottom of the MATLAB window and has a '>>' in it. For more information, please read the MATLAB documentation about the Command Window.), type DownloadPsychtoolbox(userpath) (no quotes) and press enter. This will download and install PsychToolbox to MATLAB folder. At certain points in the installation it will print stuff to the Command Window and ask you to press any key to continue. Do this until the two angled brackes ('>>') reappear.
  8. Close MATLAB by pressing the 'X' in the top right corner of the window.
  9. Download and install Git Bash for Windows (See note 5To download and install Git Bash for Windows, follow the link and click 'Save file' when the download window pops up. Open the installer file and click 'Next' repeatedly until the end, then click 'Finish'.). Use all defaults.
  10. Launch Git Bash (See note 6There might be more than one program installed that has 'Git' in the name. Make sure the one you open is called 'Git Bash'.). A black command line window should appear.
  11. Type the following line into Git Bash (or copy/paste): cd ~/Documents/Github
  12. Copy this line and paste it into Git Bash (use right click for pasting): git clone --recurse-submodules
  13. Launch MATLAB and navigate to the following folder (See note 7To navigate to a folder in MATLAB, either use the Address Field or type the following into the MATLAB Command Window, replacing USER with the name of the Windows user that's currently logged in: cd('C:\Users\USER\Documents\Github\rigbox\')): Documents\Github\Rigbox
  14. Type the following into the MATLAB Command Window and press enter (See note 8If you've followed the above steps you can safely ignore any warnings you may see for trying out Timeline.): addRigboxPaths('strict', false)
  15. You should be done now. To test that the NI DAQ support package is correctly installed, run daq.getDevices. You should see a list of available NI devices connected to your computer.
  16. See Setting up the paths for how to configure the paths for loading harware config settings and saving data.
  17. See the Timeline section of Configureing rig hardware for details on setting up Timeline, and the Timeline guide for instructions on using Timeline.


  1. MATLAB is not free and requires a MATLAB account in order to download. If you are part of an academic institution you may be able to get MATLAB for free. If in doubt ask your lab supervisor or institute IT department. For more information see MATLAB's install guide.
  2. Once MATLAB is installed, toolboxes can be downloaded and installed directly within MATLAB via the "Add-Ons" button in the "Home" top toolstrip. This opens the MATLAB 'AddOn Explorer' where you can search and install toolboxes.
  3. To download and install SilkSVN, follow the link and click the blue button that says 'SVN 1.12.0, 64 bit' on the left-hand side. The numbers might be slightly different but the important thing is that you choose the one that says '64 bit'. Click 'OK' in the pop-up window to save the installer zip file. Once downloaded double-click the zip file and open the exe file contained. Follow all the steps in the installer.
  4. The MATLAB Command Window is usually at the bottom of the MATLAB window and has a '>>' in it. For more information, please read the MATLAB documentation about the Command Window.
  5. To download and install Git Bash for Windows, follow the link and click 'Save file' when the download window pops up. Open the installer file and click 'Next' repeatedly until the end, then click 'Finish'.
  6. There might be more than one program installed that has 'Git' in the name. Make sure the one you open is called 'Git Bash'.
  7. To navigate to a folder in MATLAB, either use the Address Field or type the following into the MATLAB Command Window, replacing USER with the name of the Windows user that's currently logged in: cd('C:\Users\USER\Documents\Github\rigbox\')
  8. If you've followed the above steps you can safely ignore any warnings you may see for trying out Timeline.


Authors: Jai Bhagat, Matteo Caranini, Miles Wells
