Working with wheel data

In the Burgess wheel task a visual stimulus is yoked to LEGO wheel via a rotary encoder. Below are some things to consider when designing or modifying a wheel task. For information on setting up the rotary encoder, see Hardware Configuration: DAQ rotary encoder. For information on wiring a rotary encoder for the Burgess steering wheel task, see the Burgess hardware setup instructions .


The wheel input in Signals

There are currently three wheel-related inputs used by the Signals Experiment class. These can be accessed via a subscripted reference(1) to the 'inputs' argument of an experiment definition function (expDef) :

  1. wheel - the raw value of the rotary encoder, polled on every iteration of the main experiment loop. Each time the rotary encoder moves suffeciently it sends out a pulse. These are integrated by a counter channel and the output is seen in the wheel signal. This Signal is zero'd at the beginning of the experiment.
  2. wheelMM - the wheel movement in units of centimetres linear displacement. That is the distance the wheel would have rolled along a flat surface. This Signal is zero'd at the beginning of the experiment.
  3. wheelDeg - the wheel movement in degrees. This Signal is zero'd at the beginning of the experiment.

The wheelMM and wheelDeg signals simply map the values of wheel through a function based on information found in the hardware file's mouseInput object, namely the 'WheelDiameter' and 'EncoderResolution' properties.

Load information about the wheel from the hardware file

For a given experiment you may wish to load the hardware used, and to view the settings for the rotary encoder. Each experiment, a JSON copy of the hardware file is saved to the main repository. This preserves the settings as they were at the time the experiment ran. The below code searches for this JSON file and tries to load it. If it doesn't exist, the current hardware file is loaded instead. Some information about the rotary encoder settings are the printed.

expRef = '2019-03-28_1_default'; % Example experiment
jsonPath = dat.expFilePath(expRef, 'hw-info', 'master', 'json');
if exist(jsonPath, 'file') % Check is hardware JSON exists
  % If the JSON file exists load that as the wheel may have sinced changed
  rig = jsondecode(fileread(jsonPath));
  % Otherwise load the existing harware file
  rigName = 'exampleRig';
  rig = hw.devices(rigName, false);

% Print some info:
D = rig.mouseInput.WheelDiameter;
res = rig.mouseInput.EncoderResolution;
a = rig.mouseInput.MillimetresFactor;
fprintf(['Details for experiment <strong>%s</strong>:\n'...
  'Wheel diameter (mm): %.1f, '...
  'encoder resolution: %d, '...
  'calculated millimetres factor: %.4f\n'], expRef, D, res, a)

Load the wheel data

If availiable, load the auto-extracted ALF file as the data is quicker to load, in centimeters linear displacment units and resampled evenly at 1000Hz.

expPath = dat.expPath(expRef, 'main', 'master');
files = dir(expPath);
Fs = 1000; % Frequency to resample at
if any(endsWith({}, 'wheel.position.npy'))
  fullFileFn = @(nm) readNPY(fullfile(expPath, endsWith({}, nm)));
  pos = fullFileFn('wheel.position.npy'); % in cm
  rawT = fullFileFn('wheel.timestamps.npy'); % in sec
  vel = fullFileFn('wheel.velocity.npy'); % in cm/sec
  t = (rawT(1,2):1/Fs:rawT(2,2))';
else % Otherwise load from block file and preprocess
  data = dat.loadBlock(expRef);
  pos = data.inputs.wheelValues; % in samples
  tRaw = data.inputs.wheelTimes; % in sec
  % Resample values
  t = 0:1/Fs:tRaw(end);
  pos = interp1(tRaw, pos, t);
  % Correct for over-/underflow
  pos = wheel.correctCounterDiscont(pos);

Convert to linear displacement (cm)

If the units are in samples (i.e. loaded from inputs.wheel or inputSensorPos), convert to units of centimetres linear displacement. That is the distance the wheel would have rolled along a flat surface.

posCM = (rig.mouseInput.MillimetresFactor/10) .* pos;
% or alternatively
res = rig.mouseInput.EncoderResolution*4; % Resolution * 4 for '4X' encoders
D = rig.mouseInput.WheelDiameter/10; % Converted to cm from mm
posCM = pos./res * pi * D;

Convert to angular displacement (rad)

For angular displacement / velocity, just divide by the wheel radius

posRad = posCM / 0.5*D; % in radians
velAng = vel / 0.5*D; % in rad/sec

Convert to angular displacement (RPM)

Convert this to the more intuitive revolutions per minute:

RPM = velAng*60 / 2*pi;

Convert to angular displacement (deg)

For displacement in degrees:

posDeg = rad2deg(posRad);
velDeg = rad2deg(velAng);
% or...
posDeg = pos / res*360;

Convert to azimuth (visual degrees)

If you know the response threshold in visual degrees, you can convert this to visual degrees.

thresh = 35; % visual degrees azimuth
% Position relative to interactive on
pos = pos - pos(1);
% Distance moved in whatever units
dist = diff([pos(1) pos(end)]);
% Convert to visual degrees moved, assuming correct is an element of [-1 0
% 1]
posAzi = (pos/abs(dist) * thresh) - (sign(dist) * sign(correct) * thresh);
velAzi = (vel/abs(dist) * thresh) - (sign(dist) * sign(correct) * thresh);

Compute velocity and acceleration

To compute the velocity we take the derivative of the position, convolving with a Gaussian smoothing window to remove large jumps between samples.

The position samples should be evenly sampled at a given rate (Fs). See section on loading the wheel data for more info.

The units of the window are in seconds, and the Rigbox wheel.velocity.npy ALF file is extracted using one of 0.03 seconds. Naturally, The velocity units are the derivitive of the position units, so if the input units are in linear cm, the output would be the tangential velocity in cm/sec. Likewise the acceleration units would be cm/sec^2.

NB: The outputs are both column arrays (Nx1)

smoothSize = 0.03; % Gaussian smoothing window
[vel, acc] = wheel.computeVelocity2(pos, smoothSize, Fs);

Detecting wheel movements

The wheel package contains functions for detecting and classifying movements. The wheel detection algorithm looks for sufficiently large changes in position over a given amount of time.

The default position threshold parameters are in samples and were chosen for data from a 1024 resolution rotary encoder acquired with 4X encoding.

A description of the algorithm and parameters can be found in the function help. The defaults are those used in the extraction of the wheelMoves ALF file.

help wheel.findWheelMoves3

% Load some test data
[onsets, offsets, displacement, peakVelTimes, peakAmps] = ...
  findWheelMoves3(pos, t, Fs, 'makePlots', true);
  [onsets, offsets, s, peakVelTimes, peakAmps] = findWheelMoves3(pos, t, Fs, params)
  Algorithm: for each point, is there > posThresh max movement in the
  next tThresh seconds. If there is, then that tThresh window is part of a
  movement. Merge small gaps. Now for every time you go from not-moving to
  moving, jump ahead by tThresh and look backwards in time until you find a
  point that's very close to the starting point (different by <
  posThreshOnset). Finally, drop movements that are too brief.
  Required Inputs:
    pos : an array of wheel positions
    t : an array of wheel sample timestamps
    Fs : the sampling frequency used for linear interpolation
  Optional Parameters (may be struct or name-value pairs):
    posThresh = 8 : if position changes by less than this
    tThresh = 0.2 : over at least this much time, then it is a quiescent period
    minGap = 0.1 : any movements that have this little time between the end
      of one and the start of the next, we'll join them
    posThreshOnset = 1.5 : a lower threshold, used when finding exact onset times.
    minDur = 0.05 : seconds, movements shorter than this are dropped.
    makePlots = false : plot position and velocity showing detected movements.
    batchSize = 10000 : compute in batches of this size.  The larger the
      matrix the higher the memory use, but not by much.  Must be >= length(pos).
    onsets : an array of detected movement onset times
    offsets : an array of detected movement offset times
    displacement : the total displacement of each movement
    peakVelTimes : the time of peak velocity for each detected movement
    peakAmplitude : the absolute maximum amplitude of each detected
      movement, relative to onset position.

Classifying wheel movements

Wheel movements may be classified in a somewhat task-agnostic way using wheel.findWheelMoves. This function determines the response thresholds empirically, given the interactive start times and response times.

Returned is an array of movement labels - values of 0-3. The extracted ALF file wheelMoves.type.csv encodes these values with the following labels:

moveType = wheel.classifyWheelMoves(...
  t, pos, moveOnsets, moveOffsets, intStartTime, respTime, resp);

Event-triggered traces

wheel.eventTrigAvgAllTraces returns the mean and standard deviation of the wheel positions ('data') around each of the timestamps in 'events'.

This function differs from eventTrigAvg in that it will return you all snippets of the data around the events, rather than just the average and standard deviation. This makes it slower, and it can only work with one data trace at a time.


  1. data [1xN] - Continuous data trace(s) (e.g. LFP, eye position), N samples
  2. events [1xE] - List of E timestamps, in seconds
  3. window [1x2] - Times, in seconds, relative to the events that you're interested in. For example, to average data from 50ms prior to 200ms after each event, use window = [-0.05 0.2]
  4. Fs - Sampling frequency of data
[trace, stdev, allTraces] = wheel.eventTrigAvgAllTraces(data, events, window, Fs);


(1) e.g. ''. This is know as dot notation. More info here .


Author: Miles Wells

