Advanced Signals

This guide shows you some of the methods available for use outside of the Signals Experiment Framework (i.e. outside of an experiment definition function). The intention is to explain the machinary of Signals and to demonstrate how to create experiments with a custom UI. After reading this you should have a near complete understanding of how Signals works and thus how to create any experiment.


Network architecture

Every signal is part of a network, managed through a sig.Net object. The network object holds all the ids of all the signals' nodes(1).

% Every signal has an underlying node; a |sig.node.Node| object that
% contains a number of important properties:
% * Net: a handle to the parent network (a sig.Net object)
% * Inputs: an array of input nodes (other sig.node.Node objects)
% * Id: an integer node ID used by the low level C code
% * NetId: an integer ID for the parent network, used by the low level C code
% * CurrValue: the current value that the node holds

net = sig.Net; % Create a new signals network

Origin signals

An origin signal is a special sub-class of the sig.node.Signal class whose value can be updated directly using the post method. The function call for creating an origin signal takes two inputs: the parent network and optionally, a string identifier.

These origin signals are the input nodes to the reactive network. All other signals are either directly or indirectly dependent on origin signals. Origin signals can take values of any type, as demonstrated below.

In the context of a Signals Experiment, the origin signals would be the timing signal and signals representing hardware devices (a wheel, lever, keyboard, computer mouse, etc...). These origin Signals are defined outside of your experiment definition function (expDef) and are the input variables. Your expDef defines the mapping of these input origin signals to various hardware outputs (more on this later):

inputs --> |          | -->               --> |\ /| -->
       --> | (expDef) | -->               --> |-X-| -->
       --> |          | --> outputs       --> |/ \| --> outputs

You can post values to an origin Signal by using the post method. This is not possible with other classes of Signals as their values instead depend on the values of their input nodes.

It is worth noting that every Signal has a Name property which may be set manually or be set based on its inputs. The name of a Signal may be used by visualization functions to describe its functional relationship within the network. The name property of an origin Signal is set as its second input. Signals are handle objects and therefore may be assigned to any variable name. Hence there are two means to identify a Signal: it's true name (the string held in the Name property) and the name of the variable or variables to which it is assigned. Below a Signal whose name is 'input' is created and assigned to the variable `originSignal`. Two values are posted to it, first a double, then a char array:

originSignal = net.origin('input'); % Create an origin signal
originSignal.Node.CurrValue % The current value is empty

post(originSignal, 21) % Post a new value to originSignal
originSignal.Node.CurrValue % The current value is now 21

post(originSignal, 'hello') % Post a new value to originSignal
originSignal.Node.CurrValue % The current value is now 'hello'

% You can see there are two names for this signal.  The string identifier
% ('input') is the Signal object's name, stored in the Name property:

Any Signals derived from this will include this identifier in their Name property (an example will follow shortly). The variable name 'originSignal' is simply a handle to the Signal object and can be changed or cleared without affecting the object it references(3).

Although the value is stored in the Node's CurrValue field, it is not intended that you use this field directly. The purpose of using a reactive network is that callbacks will access these values automatically if and when they change. Accessing this property directly will most likely lead to unintended behaviour. Retrieving the value this was is akin to removing something from a factory conveyor belt: once retrieved, the state is fixed and will no longer change.

Demonstration on sig.Signal/output() method

The output method is a useful function for understanding the relationship between signals. It simply displays a signal's output each time it takes a value. The output method returns an object of the class TidyHandle, which is like a normal listener handle, however when its lifecyle ends it will delete itself. What this means is that when the handle is no longer referenced anywhere (i.e. stored as a variable), the callback will no longer function.

net = sig.Net; % Create a new signals network
clc % Clear previous output for clarity

simpleSignal = net.origin('simpleSignal');
h = output(simpleSignal);
class(h) % Value printed to the command window

The output method can't be used within an expDef function. It should instead be used only for playing around with Signals in the command prompt.

Timing in signals

Most experiments require things to occur at specific times. This can be achieved by keeping a timing signal that has a clock value posted to it periodically. In the following example, we will create a 'time' signal that takes the value returned by 'now' every second. We achieve this with a fixed-rate timer. In the context of a Signals Experiment, the time signal has a time in seconds from the experiment start posted every iteration of a while loop. Read through the below section then run it as a block by pressing ctrl + enter.

net = sig.Net; % Create a new signals network
clc % Clear previous output for clarity
time = net.origin('t'); % Create a time signal
% NB: The onValue method is very similar to the output method, but allows
% you to define any callback function to be called each time the signal
% takes a value (so long as the handle is still around).  Here we are using
% it to display the formatted value of our 't' signal.  Again, the output
% and onValue methods are not suitable for use within an experiment as the
% handle is deleted.
handle = time.onValue(@(t)fprintf('%.3f sec\n', t*10e4));

t0 = now; % Record current time
% Create a timer that posts the time since t0 to the 'time' signal, at a
% given rate given by 'frequency'.
frequency = 1; % Update the timer every second
tmr = timer('TimerFcn', @(~,~)post(time, now-t0),...
    'ExecutionMode', 'fixedrate', 'Period', 1/frequency);
start(tmr) % Start the timer
disp('Timer started')
% ...Because of the output method, we are seeing the value of the time
% signal displayed every second

Now let's increase the frequency to 10 ms...

stop(tmr) % Stop the timer
frequency = 1e-2; % Frequency now 10x higher
disp('Let''s increase the timer frequency to 10 times per second...')
set(tmr, 'Period', frequency)
pause(1) % Ready... steady... go!
pause(3) % ...

When we clear the handle, the value is no longer displayed

disp('Clearing the output TidyHandle')
clear handle
pause(1) % ...The values of the 'time' Signal are no longer displayed

Due to the timer, the value of 'time' continues to update

fprintf('%.3f sec\n', time.Node.CurrValue*10e4)
pause(1)% ...
fprintf('%.3f sec\n', time.Node.CurrValue*10e4)

When the timer is stopped, the value of 'time' is no longer updated

disp('Stopping timer');
pause(1)% ...
fprintf('%.3f sec\n', time.Node.CurrValue*10e4)
pause(1)% ...
fprintf('%.3f sec\n', time.Node.CurrValue*10e4)
pause(1)% ...
% Let's clear the variables
delete(tmr); clear tmr frequency t0 time

Timing 2 - Scheduling

The net object contains an attribute called Schedule which stores a structure of node ids and their due time. Each time the schedule is run using the method runSchedule, the nodes whose TODO

net = sig.Net; % Create network
frequency = 10e-2;
tmr = timer('TimerFcn', @(~,~)net.runSchedule,...
    'ExecutionMode', 'fixedrate', 'Period', frequency);
start(tmr) % Run schedule every 10 ms
s = net.origin('input'); % Input signal
delayedSig = s.delay(5); % New signal delayed by 5 sec
h = output(delayedSig); % Let's output its value
h(2) = delayedSig.onValue(@(~)toc); tic
delayedPost(s, pi, 5) % Post to input signal also delayed by 5 sec
disp('Delayed post of pi to input signal (5 seconds)')
% After creating a delayed post, an entry was added to the schedule
disp('Contents of Schedule: '); disp(net.Schedule)
fprintf('Node id %s corresponds to ''%s'' signal\n\n', num2str(s.Node.Id), s.Node.Name)
% ...
disp('... 5 seconds later...'); pause(5.1)
% ...
% ... a second entry was added to the schedule, this time for 'delayedSig'.
% This was added to the schedule as soon as the value of pi was posted to
% our 'input' signal.
disp('Contents of Schedule: '); disp(net.Schedule)
fprintf('Node id %s corresponds to ''%s'' signal\n\n',...
    num2str(net.Schedule.nodeid), delayedSig.Node.Name)
% ...
disp('... another 5 seconds later...'); pause(5.1)
% ...
% 3.14
stop(tmr); delete(tmr); clear tmr s frequency h delayedSig

Demonstration of sig.Signal/log() method

Sometimes you want the values of a signal to be logged and timestamped. The log method returns a signal that carries a structure with the fields 'time' and 'value'. Log takes two inputs: the signal to be logged and an optional clock function to use for the timestamps. The default clock function is GetSecs, a PsychToolbox MEX function that returns the most reliable system time available.

net = sig.Net; % Create our network
simpleSignal = net.origin('simpleSignal'); % Create a simple signal to log
loggingSignal = simpleSignal.log(@now); % Log that signal using MATLAB's now function
loggingSignal.onValue(@(a)disp(toStr(a))); % Each time our loggingSignal takes a new value, let's display it
pause(1); fprintf('\n\n')
pause(1); fprintf('\n\n')
pause(1); fprintf('\n\n')'foo')

Logging signals in a registry

In order to simplify things, one can create a registry which will hold the logs of all signals added to it. When the experiment is over, the registry can return all the logged values in the timestampes optionally offset to another clock. This can be useful for returning values in seconds since the start of the experiment

net = sig.Net; % Create our network
t0 = now; % Let's use this as our example reference time
events = sig.Registry(@now); % Create our registy
simpleSignal = net.origin('simpleSignal'); % Create a simple signal to log
events.signalA = simpleSignal^2; % Log a new signal that takes the second power of the input signal
events.signalB = simpleSignal.lag(2); % Log another signal that takes the last but one value of the input signal % Post some values to the input signal

s = logs(events, t0); % Return our logged signals as a structure

Visual stimuli

[t, setgraphic] = sig.playgroundPTB;
grating = vis.grating(t);    % we want a gabor grating patch
grating.phase = 2*pi*t*3; % with it's phase cycling at 3Hz = true;

elements = StructRef;
elements.grating = grating;


Subscriptable Origin Signals

SubscriptableOriginSignals are similar to those returned by the subscriptable method but with ability to assign values. A subscriptable origin signal can be created with the subscriptableOrigin of sig.Net. The underlying value of a subscriptable origin signal is a struct and each time a value is assigned via subscripts, the field is modified in the underlying struct.

net = sig.Net;
S = net.subscriptableOrigin('subscriptable');
% Assign some values = 1;
S.two = net.origin('two');

With each new field assigned, it is added to an underlying struct object. As you can see signals may be assigned to fields also. In fact assigning this way is very similar to directly assigning to a struct:

ans =
  struct with fields:
    one: 1
    two: [1×1 sig.node.OriginSignal]

Regardless of a field's value or existence, referencing a field will return a Signal. Once a field has been referenced, each time that field is assigned a value the derived signal will update with that value. NB: If the field is assigned before being referenced then its current value will be undefined:

h = [... % Print the value class when S updates' is a ''%s''\n',class(v))), ...
  S.two.onValue(@(v)fprintf('S.two is a ''%s''\n',class(v))), ...
  S.three.onValue(@(v)fprintf('S.three is a ''%s''\n',class(v)))];

S.two = net.origin('two');
S.three = S.two * 4;

clear h is a 'double'
  S.two is a 'sig.node.OriginSignal' is a 'double'
  S.two is a 'sig.node.OriginSignal'
  S.three is a 'sig.node.Signal'

NB: Each time any field is assigned a value, all derived signals will update, even if they're referencing a different field. Also note that if a field is assigned a signal, the signal derived will have a signal object as its current value:

field = S.two;
field.Node.CurrValue % Currently empty

S.two = net.origin('two'); % Assign a signal
field.Node.CurrValue % an OriginSignal

To get the value of the signal, rather than the signal itself, you can use the flatten method on the derived signal or flattenStruct on the subscriptable origin signal itself (more details later):

field = S.two.flatten();
flat = S.flattenStruct();
S.two = net.origin('two'); % Assign a signal
field.Node.CurrValue % empty
flat.Node.CurrValue.two % empty

A struct can be assigned all at once using the post method:

net = sig.Net;
S = net.subscriptableOrigin('subscriptable');
a = S.a; % Signal with the value of field 'a'
post(S, struct('a', 1, 'b', 2))

a.Node.CurrValue % 1

NB: The dot syntax with the post method will not work here as it is ambiguous:'a', 1, 'b', 2)) % Doesn't work as expected

What is the difference between a SubscriptableOriginSignal and a subscriptable OriginSignal? With the former, you can do subscripted assignment; with the latter you can only assign values with post:

s = net.origin('structSig');
S = s.subscriptable(); % Returns SubscriptableSignal
a = S.a; % Signal with the value of field 'a''a', 1, 'b', 2));
a.Node.CurrValue % 1

S.a = 2 % ERROR Unrecognized property 'a' for class 'sig.node.SubscriptableSignal'.
s.a = 2 % ERROR Unrecognized property 'a' for class 'sig.node.OriginSignal'.

Also deep (i.e. 'multi-level') dot syntax subscripted references are not possible with a plain SubscriptableSignal, but are with SubscriptableOriginSignals. Note however that unlike with first-level subscripting, an error will be thrown if the nested field does not exist.

net = sig.Net;
S = net.subscriptableOrigin('subscriptable');
s = struct('a', struct('b', struct('c', pi)));
a = S.a.b.c;

h = output(a);
post(S,s) % 3.1416

SubscriptableOriginSignals are used primarily for parameterizing visual stimuli, for example it is returned by vis.grating.


The flattenStruct method of SubscriptableOriginSignals returns a signal whose value is a struct where any field values that were signals objects are replaced by the current values of those signals. The signal returned by this method is a standard non-subscriptable signal and therefore cannot have values assigned. Signals can be derived from this flattend struct signal by calling the subscriptable field...

net = sig.Net;
a = net.origin('a'); % a Signal
S = net.subscriptableOrigin('subscriptable'); % a SubsciptableOriginSignal
flat = S.flattenStruct; % a flattened signal that will hold a struct
flat_sub = flat.subscriptable; % a SubscriptableSignal
A = flat_sub.A; % Should hold the value of 'a'

S.A = a; % assign signal to subscriptable origin signal; % post a value
flat.Node.CurrValue % struct with fields A: 5
A.Node.CurrValue % 5

Note that as usual the order is important as signals in general will only take a value at the time their inputs update, therefore if we created 'flat' after posting to 'a', the value of 'flat' would be empty because the update happened before 'flat' existed.

The flattened signal will update whenever a field is updated in the parent signal. There is currently a bug where the flattened signal will update even when not all of the field values have a current value. This will change in the future, however for now you can use the following to ensure that flattened signal updates only when all fields have values:

toColumn = @(A)A(:);
isInitialized = @(l)~any(toColumn(cellfun('isempty', struct2cell(l))));
flat = S.flattenStruct.filter(isInitialized);
% In more recent version of MATLAB:
isInitialized = @(l)~any(cellfun('isempty', struct2cell(l)), 'all');
flat = S.flattenStruct.filter(isInitialized);


The flatten method is useful for when you have a signal that is itself holding a signal object. Calling flatten on this will return a signal that updates with the underlying value

net = sig.Net;
S = net.subscriptableOrigin('subscriptable'); % Create subscriptable
sig = net.origin('signal'); % Some example signal; % Give it a value

a = S.field; % Derive a new signal from a field
a_flat = S.field.flatten(); % Derive a new signal and flatten it

% Display the class of 'a' and 'a_flat' signals
h = [a.onValue(@(v)fprintf('a is a ''%s''\n',class(v))), ...
  a_flat.onValue(@(v)fprintf('a_flat is a ''%s''\n',class(v)))];

S.field = 12; % Assign a double to field
S.field = sig; % Now see difference when we assign a signal
  a is a 'double'
  a_flat is a 'double'
  a is a 'sig.node.OriginSignal'
  a_flat is a 'double'

NB: Flatten only works over one level of nesting, that is you can't flatten a signal that holds a signal that holds a signal.


The fromUIEvent method of sig.Net will return a Signal that updates each time a UI element callback is triggered. A SubscriptableOriginSignal is returned whose fields are those of the event.EventData object returned by the source object:

% Create a signal of WindowKeyPressFcn events from the figure
figh = figure; net = sig.Net;
keyPresses = net.fromUIEvent(figh, 'WindowKeyPressFcn');
h = output(keyPresses.Key); % Output key name

This method is useful for creating experiments outside of the Signals Experiment Framework that require interaction with a GUI. Any MATLAB handle property ending in 'Fcn' may be made intoto a Signal, and more broadly anything that takes a callback function with the (source, event) signature.


We saw above how to listen to UI events with Signals, however sometimes we also need to set UI properties with a Signal or more broadly, call a function with a Signal's value without assigning an output. The onValue Signal method takes a function handle that will be called with the Signal's value each time it updates. Any output of this function handle is discarded (to keep it, use map instead).

The method itself returns a TidyHandle which must be kept in scope for the function handle to be called. In other words, when the TidyHandle is cleared from the workspace, the on value callback no longer occurs, much like with a regular listener handle.

% Example: Set the figure background colour each time a signal updates:
f = figure;
net = sig.Net;
s = net.origin('colour');
h = s.onValue(@(c) set(f, 'Color', c));'w') % Set colour to white

For an example of how to interact with plots and UI elements in an experiment, see docs\examples\ringach98.m.

Implementing new Signal methods

Below is some tips on developing Signals further. The most common and simplest extention of Signals is overloading a builtin MATLAB function to work with Signals without having to use map. This makes code more readable and intuitive. Second, you may want to add a 'functional' method similar to scan and keepWhen. There are a number of ways to implement such a function and we'll go into each in order of increasing performance and descending ease.

If you are adding a method that returns one Signal based on one or more others, it should generally be added to both the sig.node.Signal class, the sig.Signal abstract class, and the sig.VoidSignal class.

Overloading a MATLAB function

As mentioned above, overloading MATLAB functions makes your expDef more readable as you can do away with the map method. Although there is no limit to how many methods you can add to Signals, it's probably not worth the effort for functions that are very specific or rarely used, however feel free to add any that you think are useful.

Below is a checklist of things to do when adding a function:

  1. Look up some information about the builtin function before adding it. If it is a relatively new function (e.g. introduced in the last version of MATLAB) then add a MATLAB version check to the Signals method: assert(verLessThan('matlab','9.7'), 'matlab version 9.7 required'). If you're planning on adding a number of functions from an optional toolbox (e.g. the Financial Toolbox), consider adding them to a seperate class (see note 8).
  2. The method should be added to sig.Signal and should have the same name and signature as the function you're implementing.
  3. Using other methods as a guide implement your function by calling map, map2 or mapn and returning the output. You must provide a format specification string to map.
  4. Add documentation to the function. This doesn't have to be as in-depth as the built in one as users will know to check there. Make sure to mention any differences between the overloaded method and the original function, especially if there are differences in inputs.
  5. Add a test to tests/Signals_test.m.
  6. Add the method to sig.VoidSignal. The method signature must be the same as the one in sig.Signal. It should return the first input only.

Creating a method with current methods

The simplest way of implementing a method is to create the method using some combination of current methods. For example the buffer method simply chains bufferUpTo and keepWhen. Similarly, if you come up with a useful scan function, consider making it into a method. Scan functions can be added to the +sig.scan package. These can be normal functions such as sig.scan.lastTrue or high-order functions such as sig.scan.quiescienceWatch. The below curried function was how buffer was implemented before it was implemented as a transfer function:

function f = buffering(maxSamples)
%SIG.SCAN.BUFFERING Implement buffering with scan
%   Returns a function which grows an array up to the size of
%   'maxSamples'.
f = @buffer;
   function buff = buffer(buff, val)
     if size(buff, 2) == maxSamples
       buff = cat(2, buff(:,2:end), val);
       buff = [buff val];

When adding a new method be sure to add full documentation and a test to tests/Signals_test.m. Additionally the format specification string may be changed. Once you've added the method to sig.node.Signal, it should be added to sig.VoidSignal also (see above section).

Creating a transfer function

Implementing methods with existing Signals, however implementing your method as a transfer function will improve performance. Transfer functions are called directly by the C code when any input signal updates, thus reducing the overhead.

Below are a list of things to do:

  1. Create a function in the +sig.transfer package and name it the same as the Signals method that you will implement. The function must take the following as inputs: network id, inputs node id(s), output node id, a method-specific arg. These inputs must be in the signature even if they're not required for the operation. The output args must be the output value and a flag indicating whether the value is to be set. In general the set flag should be false when the one or more of the inputs don't have a value set. The input node id that triggered the function call will have a current working value, the others will either have a current value set or no values. Take a look at the other transfer functions to get an idea of the logic. The simplest transfer function is sig.transfer.identity.
  2. Add the method to sig.node.Signal. The method should call sig.node.Signal/applyTransferFunction with the name of the transfer function you've created. It should also set a format specification string, which will be passed to sprintf when getting the signal's Name property.
  3. Be sure to add documentation to both the method and the transfer function, and ideally the using signals guide.
  4. Add the method to sig.Signal and sig.VoidSignal.
  5. Create a test in tests/Signals_test. This test should test both the transfer function and the method.

Implementing in mexnet

The final way to implement a signals method is to add the operation to the C code. This is by far the highest performance implementation and is ideal for implementing operations on basic datatypes. The C code can make use of MATLAB's MEX library to do things like matrix arithmetic, error handling and type checking. Below are some steps to implementing an operation in mexnet:

  1. Add your operation to the transfer function of mexnet-vs\network\network.c. The transfer function contains a switch for the op code called by Signals. Add a new op code case and add a call to your transfer function there.
  2. Recompile the MEX code.
  3. Add your new op code to the switch block in sig.node.transfererOpCode. This is called by the constructor sig.node.Node to return the op code, which is then passed to mexnet. The transfer function name can be anything, as it is only used as a key to retrieve the op code.
  4. Add your new method to sig.node.Signal. This should call sig.node.Signal/applyTransferFunction with the name you added to the switch block in transfererOpCode. It should also add a format specification string.
  5. Finally, add documentation and tests. Ideally, also add a demonstration of your method to the using signals guide.


1. The sig.Net class itself does not store the nodes in its properties, however the underlying mexnet does. This network is created by calling the MEX function createNetwork. New nodes are created by calling the MEX function addNode. This is done for you in the sig.Net and sig.node.Node class constructors.

2. Two such examples of visualization functions are introduced later, sig.test.plot and sig.test.timeplot.

3. Signals objects that are entirely out of scope are cleaned up by MATLAB and the underlying C code. That is, if a Signal is created, assigned to a variable, and that variable is cleared then the underlying node is deleted if there exist no dependent Signals:

net = sig.Net;
x = net.origin('orphan');
networkInfo(net.Id) % Net with 1/4000 active nodes
clear x
networkInfo(net.Id) % Net with 0/4000 active nodes

If the Signal is used by another node that is still in scope, then it will not be cleaned up:

x = net.origin('x');
y = x + 2; % y depends of two nodes: 'x' and '2' (a root node)
networkInfo(net.Id) % Net with 3/4000 active nodes
clear x % After clearing the handle 'x', the node is still in the network
networkInfo(net.Id) % Net with 3/4000 active nodes
% The node still exists because another handle to it is stored in the
% Inputs property of the node 'y':
str = sprintf('Inputs to y: %s', strjoin(mapToCell(@(n)n.Name, [y.Node.DisplayInputs]), ', '));
disp(['y.Node.DisplayInputs(1) is a ' class(y.Node.DisplayInputs(1))])

4. The command window message '**net.delete**' simply indicates that a Signals network has been deleted, most likely as a result of a net object being cleared from the workspace. The message '0 is not a valid network id' is nothing to worry about. It is simply a result of an over-zealous cleanup proceedure in the underlying MEX code. In future versions this will only show up when debugging.

5. Note that constants are in fact made into signals using the rootNode method. These are nodes that only ever have one value. There are often more nodes in a network than you might expect, for example the following line indicates there are at least 4 nodes in the network:

x = mod(floor(x), 1*2)

These would be x, 2 (a root node), floor(x) and mod(floor(x), 2)

6. It should be noted here that you are responsible for handling potential problems that may arise from a Signal changing data type:

y = x*5; % y = 10{'bad'}) % Undefined operator '*' for input arguments of type 'cell'

Within a Signals Experiment this rarely is a problem as parameters may not change type, although you may still encounter issues, for example the below signal `evts.newTrial` holds the value `true` which must be typecast to an int or float before being used with randsample:

side =[-1 1], int32(k)));

The below line demonstrates how a signal can change type:

s = merge(str, int, mat);

7. Rule exceptions: merge and scan pars There are only two exceptions to this.

merge - a merge signal will take the value of the last updated input signal, even if not all of the inputs have taken a value. To only take values once all are updated, use the at/then methods:

s = merge(a, b, c).at(map([a b c], true)); % map(true) for if a, b, c = 0

scan - any signals passed into scan after the 'pars' named parameter do not cause the scan function to be re-evaluated when they update. See section on scan above for more info.

s = a.scan(f, [], 'pars', b, c); % b and c values used in f when a updates

8. Adding toolbox specific methods to a mixin class will allow them to be added by the constructor only if the toolbox in question is installed. See fun.Mappable.


I'm seeing '-1 is not a valid network id' in the command prompt

Currently there is a limit of 10 networks at any one time. If you see this you most likely have more than 10 in your workspace. Run clear all and then re-run your code.


Author: Miles Wells
